May 2017 archive

Home Office Gets a Lift

Home based businesses, kids under three, and a recent move.. This home office needed a lift. The floor was filling with boxes containing business material, while life continued to march on, and it was becoming more and more of a challenge to locate needed items. Before & After: These pile ups start to eat away […] Read more…

The Secret for Establishing Priorities in a Flash

Tell me.. Are you overwhelmed? Busy schedules, cluttered spaces, relentless demands & noise all around us.. and an idea that we need to look like we have it all under control? Yep. I have felt that too. It all feels like too much to handle sometimes. We’ve become creatures of reactivity in a world constantly […] Read more…

I’ll meditate when I’m dead

Yep. Heard myself saying this to my husband the other morning. He’s the consistent meditator in our house these days. Which annoys me.. It wasn’t always like that. I’m the one that started the train of intention a few years ago. Yep, change takes time, a long time for some of us. Mindfulness, and meditation […] Read more…